Michael S. White
Atlanta based street photographer
I’ve bounced around for years (more than I want to count), howling off key at the moon, quietly hiding in cubicles, watching too many movies, building web sites that count the dead. Not taking pictures. Several years ago I became fascinated by the photography of Robert Frank and Joel Meyerowitz which led me down the road to other street photographers. After reading that Atlanta was a terrible city for street photography I decided I should try to take terrible pictures to confirm this rumor. Who better than a complete novice to prove that Atlanta is a street photographer's waste land? After fumbling around at bit I taught myself a modest set of photography skills and the obsession began. I enjoy walking the streets looking for unguarded moments of everyday life that when captured move from mundane to interesting. Hopefully.
All photos on this site were taken by Michael S White ©miwipix, Reuse without permission is prohibited.
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